proACT is a group of passionate locals who want the voices of all people in the ACT heard. We are an independent movement that is tired of politics as usual - we are not a political party and have no affiliation to any party. We want all voices heard - we want a Territory and country that is reaching our potential.
Inspired by the ‘Voices for…’ model from the electorate of Indi and elsewhere, proACT helps people host ‘ACTive conversations’ with their friends and colleagues to discuss the issues important to them. We want to engage people in the issues that affect us all and create a movement that truly is pro the ACT.
After listening to hundreds of people discuss the issues that are important to them and the type of person they want to represent them, proACT endorsed David Pocock as the candidate we would support.
Principles and Values
These are the principles and values that reflect the politics that we want and the kind of candidate we’ll be looking for. They also guide how we operate.
These principles and values were developed through input from the ACT community - suggestions shared during ACTive conversations, which were then tested and confirmed through a survey to the proACT community in September 2021.
1. Participation & representation
Community engagement is at the heart of who we are and the politics we want. We encourage everyone to be engaged and all voices to be heard in the political processes – and provide a way for that to happen.
2. Integrity
Being respectful, honest and acting with integrity every step of the way.
3. Evidence-based
Being informed, valuing expertise and acting on it - making decisions based on what is in the best interest of the community rather than party politics.
4. Accountability
A lack of transparency and accountability is eroding politics at an alarming rate. Now is the time to say enough is enough.
What you told us
proACT listened to hundreds of people over the past few months at many ACTive conversation and other events. We’ve captured key aspects of what you’ve told us about the big issues you want addressed.
proACT is an incorporated association in the ACT (incorporated as ‘pro the Australian Capital Territory’).
We are led by a committee of six: