• Recording of our Webinar: Public servants and election campaigns

    Everything you wanted to know but were too scared to ask…

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proACT endorses David Pocock (again!)

proACT is delighted to endorse David Pocock once again as our community-backed independent candidate for the Senate.

proACT conducted a survey of its community in September 2024 seeking feedback on David’s performance representing the ACT in the Senate.

“There is overwhelming support in the proACT community for Senator Pocock’s work as a strong representative who listens to the ACT community, acts on the issues important to us and who stands up for the ACT,” said Clare Doube, co-founder of proACT. 

“In his first term, David has proven to be an outstanding, authentic leader who is able to engage with the diverse ACT community. Although not everyone agrees with every decision David has made during his first term, they value his collaborative approach to decision-making, involving those affected, and the integrity he displays at all times,” she said.

proACT is energized and encouraged by the strength of David’s deep commitment to be of service to the ACT community and sincerely believe in his ability to win re-election to the Senate.

We encourage everyone who wants to continue to see an independent elected to the Senate to support David: www.davidpocock.com.au

proACT is pro the ACT, proactive about getting the voices of the people of the ACT heard, and proactive about building a better Canberra. We are a bridge between people and politics.

So many of us are tired of the toxic politics of today.
There is a better way.
Be part of the change you want to see. 

We need more independent voices in Parliament to listen to our communities and take real action on the big (and little) issues that matter. proACT is pushing for an independent Senator for the ACT at the next federal election. With the right candidate and the right community groundswell, we (collectively) can make it happen.


Webinars we held during the year

Watch for recordings of Zali Steggall, Ruby Donald, and Dr Arnagretta Hunter discussing climate change, Dr Carolyn Hendriks and Matt Dening on getting Independents elected to the senate, Rex Patrick and Amy Remeikis on integrity in politics and Craig Reucassel, Richard Denniss and Clare Doube on money in politics and what we can do about it.


We’ve found a stellar candidate to support in the next Senate election. 


We analysed past election results to understand voting patterns in the ACT.

Then we listened to you and what you wanted in a candidate.

You told us that you want someone who:

  • is trustworthy, positive and acts with integrity

  • will represent and will act for the views of the ACT – we’ve heard that real action on climate change is your top priority, and you want someone with a track record

  • is not aligned to a party

  • is engaged in the community and can listen and speak to a wide variety of people across the ACT, not just those who are already political engaged

  • can win! It’ll be a tight race, so we need a candidate who has the profile and substance to meaningfully engage across the ACT and will appeal to a broad-enough range of voters to become our new Senator.

After a selection process we endorsed DAVID POCOCK!

Join now - www.davidpocock.com.au

Contact us.